Neverwinter nights online refining enchantments
Neverwinter nights online refining enchantments

neverwinter nights online refining enchantments

Paladins are holy and good, but that doesn't mean they're Polyanna. Paladins provide a rich role- playing experience. Nor are Paladins holier-than-thou stick in the muds.

neverwinter nights online refining enchantments

But Lawful Good does not mean Lawful Stupid.

neverwinter nights online refining enchantments

They combine the martial prowess of a Fighter, the spell casting of a Cleric and the spirituality of a Monk. Neverwinter Nights Paladin Character Guide Version 1.2īy Scott Steubing = 0.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS - 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Why play a Paladin? 1.2 Advantages 1.3 Disadvantages 1.4 Paladin Types 2.0 RACES 3.0 ABILITY SCORES 4.0 SKILLS 4.1 Critical Skills 4.2 General Skills 4.3 Worthless Skills 5.0 FEATS 5.1 Paladin Feats 5.2 General Feats 5.3 Feats to Avoid 6.0 MULTICLASSING 7.0 HENCHMEN 7.1 What to look for in a Henchman 7.2 NWN Henchmen 7.3 SoU Henchmen 8.0 SPELLS 9.0 EQUIPMENT 9.1 Armor 9.2 Other Clothing (Cloaks, Boots, Belts, Gloves) 9.3 Jewelry (Rings and Necklaces) 9.4 Helms and Shields 9.5 Weapons 10.0 TACTICS 11.0 MISCELLANEOUS 11.1 Copyright Notice 11.2 Credits and Thansk 11.3 Revision History 11.4 Paladin Guide Locations = 1.0 INTRODUCTION = 1.1 What is a Paladin? Why play a Paladin? - A Paladin is a holy warrior, a champion of their deity, dedicated to combating evil in all its forms.

Neverwinter nights online refining enchantments